Droppin Knowledge

Decodable Adventures Series – 100% Decodable Books & Activities -UNIT 2 Blends Digraphs


If you are using my Sight Words by Sound scope and sequence or teaching units, this resource is for you!

Didn’t know that existed? Check out the free sample!




Did you know that a book isn’t actually decodable until you have taught students the skills needed to decode the words?

My goal in creating this resource was to give your students books and passages that are truly decodable. In order to do this, I ONLY used words that either aligned with the phonics skill being taught, or are high frequency words that are taught with the phonics skills in my scope and sequence.

For example, in the TH passages and books, I only included TH words that align with the skills taught in Unit 1 (as TH is the first skill in Unit 2). You won’t see a word like THREE in this section because vowel teams have not been explicitly taught yet.

Is this resource right for you? Grab the FREE sample here! (Please note this does not include the decodable book but you can see the books in the video preview).

PLEASE NOTE: This resource includes skills and words from UNITS 1 and 2 ONLY. Beginning Blends are not currently included but will be added as a supplement when they are ready!

Unit 2 includes skills from Unit 1, words with beginning and ending blends, digraphs, and floss rule words. (Specifically TH, SH, WH, CH, NG, NK, and CK). This unit also includes high frequency words included in my scope & sequence that align with these skills.

Products included in this resource:

Teacher/Parent Directions (including how to print the books)

11 word lists

11 Point and Read sheets

11 Passages with comprehension questions

12 Activity Sheets (the activities are different for each skill)

11 True Decodable Readers

Updated 4/20/22 to include beginning L Blends, R Blends, and S Blends.

Interested in purchasing the published book sets? Click here!

Members of Science of Reading 101 have access to this resource inside the membership! Not a member yet? Click here to learn more!

I hope you enjoy this resource! If you do, please let me know by providing feedback! If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me at hello@droppinknowledge.com. Thank you!

**This is a digital download. After purchasing, you will receive a link to your product via email. You will also get an email with login instructions where you can login to view or download your orders.**


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