SHIPPING DELAY: We are a small family business and we will be out of town unavailable to ship items until the week of April 7th, 2025. If you place your order now, please be aware that your books will ship at this time. Thank you for understanding!
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Why Choose Our Decodable Books?

  1. Decodability: Our books are meticulously crafted to ensure they are 100% decodable, meaning they align perfectly with phonics instruction. This consistency allows students to confidently apply their phonics skills to read each word, sentence, and story, fostering a strong foundation in literacy.
  2. Scope and Sequence: We prioritize educational effectiveness. Our decodable books strictly follow a carefully planned scope and sequence, ensuring that students progress at a pace that aligns with their phonics development. This approach is proven to enhance reading fluency and comprehension.
  3. Assessment Integration: To support educators in tracking progress, we offer an optional assessment package that seamlessly complements our decodable books. These assessments are thoughtfully designed to align with the curriculum, providing valuable insights into each student’s reading journey.
  4. Diverse Representation: We recognize the importance of diversity and inclusion in educational materials. Our books feature a wide range of characters from different backgrounds, representing the rich tapestry of today’s classrooms. Students will see themselves reflected in the stories, promoting a sense of belonging and cultural awareness.

Why we wrote 100% decodable books:

“The words and sentences introduced in class must only include graphemes and phonemes that have already been explicitly taught. …As expert reading adults, we systematically underestimate how difficult it is to read. The words given to beginning readers must be analyzed letter by letter in order to ensure that they do not contain spelling problems that are beyond the child’s current knowledge.” – Stanislas Dehaene – Reading in the Brain

**Our decodable books have been vetted by the Reading League and can be found on their list of recommended books!**

Take a look at one of our books!

When you purchase a set of books, you automatically get access to the digital version (like you see here)! You can also see a full sample book for each series in the product descriptions!

The Benefits for School Districts:

  • Improved Literacy Outcomes: Our decodable books are a powerful tool in helping school districts achieve their literacy goals. By fostering phonics-based reading skills, students are better equipped to succeed in all areas of their education.
  • Streamlined Curriculum: Our adherence to a structured scope and sequence simplifies curriculum planning and implementation for school districts. Educators can trust that our materials align seamlessly with their instructional goals.
  • Assessment for Accountability: The optional assessment package provides school districts with a valuable tool for measuring student progress, identifying areas of improvement, and ensuring accountability in literacy instruction.
  • Promoting Inclusivity: Our commitment to diverse representation promotes an inclusive learning environment where all students can see themselves in the stories they read.

Invest in a brighter future for your students with Decodable Adventures Series 100% decodable books. Join countless school districts across the nation who have already experienced the transformative impact of our materials on literacy success.


Contact us if you have any questions about how our decodable books can support your district’s literacy initiatives and help every student unlock the power of reading. For quotes, W9, and PO requests, please email

“I LOVE your books! I use them daily with my intervention groups. The kids love them and they are TRULY decodable!”

Carrie, Teacher

“I have to share with you! I bought your decodables to help my son. He is in kinder & is taught using leveled readers. Tonight he read book 2 ON HIS OWN!! Happy mama tears!! He was so proud of himself. We’re excited to plow through the rest of them! Thank you!!”

Katie, Parent

“I purchased these as a pre-order. They are wonderful! The illustrations are beautiful. They are a higher print quality than other decodable books at a similar price point. My students love them!” – Lisa W

Lisa W, Teacher

“These decodable are great. The sequencing is fantastic and the growing complexity and comprehension questions are perfect. I not only use them in my classroom but for my own child at home as well. These decodables give students the opportunity to see growing success in reading when some of them may have not seen it otherwise.”

Lee, Parent/Teacher


Buyers in Canada: We are now shipping to Canada but are working on options to get the shipping prices down. Other options for you would be to create an account on Shipito or Shippsy to get your items delivered at possibly a lower rate.

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