All of our resources follow our phonics scope & sequence AND our high frequency word scope & sequence. Resources have been created systematically so skills build on one another. All resources are organized by unit and each unit is color coded.
- There are 20 passages included that cover all skills from Units 1 & 2. This includes CVC words, blends, digraphs, and high frequency words from my scope & sequence. Each passage also includes a word list & decodable comprehension questions!
- There are 22 passages included that cover all skills from Units 3, 4, and 5. This includes Silent E, Vowel Teams, Bossy Y, Tricky Y, high frequency words, and more from my scope & sequence. Each passage also includes a word list & decodable comprehension questions!
- I carefully chose every single word to ensure these books are 100% decodable if you are following my HFW scope & sequence and my phonics scope & sequence! 8 Decodable Non-Fiction Books about animals.
- I carefully chose every single word to ensure these books are 100% decodable if you are following my HFW scope & sequence and my phonics scope & sequence!
- I carefully chose every single word to ensure these books are 100% decodable if you are following my HFW scope & sequence and my phonics scope & sequence!
- Many decodable readers also include words that kids have not been taught yet. They may include high frequency words that kids would have to memorize before reading the book. I wanted to avoid having to do this, as research shows memorization is not the best way to learn words. Therefore, I ONLY used words that either aligned with the phonics skill being taught, or are high frequency words that are taught with the phonics skills in my scope and sequence.
- I carefully chose every single word to ensure these books are 100% decodable if you are following my HFW scope & sequence and my phonics scope & sequence!
- I created the alphabet articulation cards with my embedded mnemonics images to help your students learn and remember their letters and sounds faster!