All of our resources follow our phonics scope & sequence AND our high frequency word scope & sequence. Resources have been created systematically so skills build on one another. All resources are organized by unit and each unit is color coded.
- When we use look alike words, we are requiring students to attend to all the letters and sounds in the word. This helps them build the habit of doing this and can also help break the habit of looking at the picture or using the first letter to guess the word.
Did you know that memorizing words is not an effective or efficient way to learn? There are many research studies that show our brains do not store words visually.
Our brains actually store words through a mental process called orthographic mapping. There are many ways to promote this process and one of them is using look alike words!
- When we use look alike words, we are requiring students to attend to all the letters and sounds in the word. This helps them build the habit of doing this and can also help break the habit of looking at the picture or using the first letter to guess the word.
- When we use look alike words, we are requiring students to attend to all the letters and sounds in the word. This helps them build the habit of doing this and can also help break the habit of looking at the picture or using the first letter to guess the word.
Did you know that memorizing words is not an effective or efficient way to learn? There are many research studies that show our brains do not store words visually.
Our brains actually store words through a mental process called orthographic mapping. There are many ways to promote this process and one of them is using look alike words!
- When we use look alike words, we are requiring students to attend to all the letters and sounds in the word. This helps them build the habit of doing this and can also help break the habit of looking at the picture or using the first letter to guess the word.
- When we use look alike words, we are requiring students to attend to all the letters and sounds in the word. This helps them build the habit of doing this and can also help break the habit of looking at the picture or using the first letter to guess the word.