All of our resources follow our phonics scope & sequence AND our high frequency word scope & sequence. Resources have been created systematically so skills build on one another. All resources are organized by unit and each unit is color coded.
- I created these bingo boards as a fun way to practice phonemic awareness skills. Phonemic awareness is one of the most important skills needed for reading!
- Looking to incorporate more phonemic awareness into your day? I know I always am! So I developed this center to make it easier for you to do just that!
- Looking to incorporate more phonemic awareness into your day? I know I always am! So I developed this center to make it easier for you to do just that!
- I created this resource to help teach foundational reading skills to older students. Using real pictures and challenges, students will work on these skills without feeling like they are doing something meant for younger students. Please see below for details!
This is a digital download. Please see below for the full description!
- These assessments are written to be used with my HFW Scope & Sequence and my Decodable Readers as they follow the same progression of words & skills.
- This center includes pictures that a student will look at, say the word out loud, and then spell each sound by putting the fries in the box.